Sunday, July 11, 2010

going crazy with a local senior citizen

I had the pleasure of hanging out with my nana between the hours of 9 and 3 pm yesterday. All was quiet on the western front, or so i thought until just about 9:45. She had thought that I would like to bake muffins and I thought, why not? So we had decided that we would make some oatmeal banana muffins. Shortly after that decision had been made she felt that we should also make some bread...carbo favorite. So we embarked on this journey of baking which seemed like a great idea. It wasn't until I was finished with the bread and starting the muffins that things got a little bit crazy. One of her beloved teeth fell out of her dentures...we believe the culprit to be a piece of crust from her toast and peanut butter. As soon as we rescued the tooth and saved it in an envelope she then proceeded to knock a whole bowl of water on to the floor and all over herself. Between adding ingredients, rescuing teeth, and keeping paper towels in business i thought to myself that there would be no way that I would have time to complete my homework. Earlier in the day i thought that just maybe it would be a quiet and relaxing day, perfect for a little baking and homework. Unfortunately, it was more like attending the three ring circus. By 3pm I was exhausted and headed home. Here I am on Sunday morning trying to complete my homework that I thought would have been finished yesterday...i guess that is the beauty in is so unpredictable. Don't get me wrong, unpredictability is a bittersweet thing which is what was again revealed to me last night. All in all it was a pretty uneventful Saturday...after 3pm that is.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


No, I am not talking about the ones that people hold dear and yearn to accomplish. I am talking about this silly ones you have when you sleep. If one could make a movie of all the dreams I have been having in the past few months, people might begin to think that I am absolutely nuts. Well, I am a bit weird, however, these dreams are even weirder. There are some that I have where I realize that somehow a form of this bizarre dream came up in my day, but most of the time they are completely off the wall. I feel like i need to go to a witch doctor to tell me what they mean. When I wake up in the morning I feel completely exhausted, yet have managed to sleep a full night. I am starting to think that I am not really sleeping when I am dreaming. A couple months ago I asked for a dream catcher, yes I thought it would work, and when i got it I was ecstatic. However, shortly after receiving the dream catcher I thought to myself "I wonder if I can return this?". Unfortunately I could not return the gift, so I kept it hanging on my bed post. Perhaps it is my fault and that I didn't operate it correctly? Either way, it is not doing its work. So I guess I am wondering, what is in a dream? But more importantly, what can I do to stop having such crazy thoughts run through my head during my slumber.